30 January 2010

Becoming Eastern

Where are you from originally? I am from Portugal originally! I am not a Portuguese.
I am originally an Engineer. I am not an Engineer.
I am originally from my parents home. I am not from my parents home.
I never was.

I am a becoming. A collection of becomings. I am the intersections of my becomings.
I am not. I become. Maybe using intercessors, but becoming.

The becoming emotional of an engineer.
The becoming swiss of the portuguese.
Becoming a marathoner of the hockey player,
    under the becoming a single player of a team player,
    crossed with the becoming swiss as I stopped playing hockey in geneve.
Becoming a traveller of an employee, or becoming an employee of a student.
Becoming nomad of a stratified (collectioner) child.

I am not a nomad, nor a traveller, nor a swiss, nor a portuguese, I am (the) becoming all these.

I am not. I become.

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