30 January 2010


A face, a body, and the organs. What a gigantic analogy!

Becoming Eastern

Where are you from originally? I am from Portugal originally! I am not a Portuguese.
I am originally an Engineer. I am not an Engineer.
I am originally from my parents home. I am not from my parents home.
I never was.

I am a becoming. A collection of becomings. I am the intersections of my becomings.
I am not. I become. Maybe using intercessors, but becoming.

The becoming emotional of an engineer.
The becoming swiss of the portuguese.
Becoming a marathoner of the hockey player,
    under the becoming a single player of a team player,
    crossed with the becoming swiss as I stopped playing hockey in geneve.
Becoming a traveller of an employee, or becoming an employee of a student.
Becoming nomad of a stratified (collectioner) child.

I am not a nomad, nor a traveller, nor a swiss, nor a portuguese, I am (the) becoming all these.

I am not. I become.

27 January 2010

Uruguay - Punta del Este - Nightlife

We arrived in Punta del Este in the same bus, but he was bringing a surf board with him.
We ended up drinking Vino Tinto in Buenos Aires a few weeks later.

In Punta del Este we looked up a hostel together. We had lunch in a funny shopping center. I don't remember the food. This is a summer outpost in Uruguay famous among Argentinos and Brazileiros.

I remember playing some game in the hostel, a card game? I don't remember. With some young americans and some brasilian girls. Drinking wine or beer, can't remember either... The night was late and one of the young americans told me my English was perfect, I had no accent, I told him he was drunk!
My guitar was going around and one of the american guys played some blues. I ended  up playing some brasilian classics with the brasilian girls. I remember them singing the complete lyrics of SAMPA, this was very sweet for me, first time someone could sing the song to my guitar chords.

We went to a pub with a live concert, not so good. I remember the social environment among this group. I ended up thinking, "I will just leave them now...". I will just leave you now. In the begining of my university years, my friends, back in my home town, used to call me "estou farto" (I'm sick of it). Let's have something different now!

26 January 2010

M de coMer


[fondant caramelo, shis]
[sushi, kyodai]

açorda de marisco
salada de manga, salmão e mozarella
massa com mexilhoes (L)
sopa cogumelos com grão (L)
bacalhau assado com ou sem broa (L)
bife do lombo (L)
couve coração salteada (L)
feijão preto com farofa (L)
salmão grelhada (L)

salada thai com cominhos e soja
couve coração com feijão vermelho (L)
salada candil (queijo cabra, nozes e ovo cordoniz)
salada de salmão, queijo fresco, rabanetes (L)
dourada grelhada
caril de frango
arroz de setas (L)
couve flor com bechamel e bacalhau
empadão de alheira
arroz de grelos
alheira com grelos
mexilhões ou ameijoas (L)
pão chapata, frango assado com limão, mostarda
sopa de cenoura gengibre com pão e queijo ralado (L)

cogumelos recheados com tomate seco
tosta de queijo emental e cogumelos frescos (L)
lasanha vegetariana
rolo de carne
sopa feijão com tomate (L)
rosbife (L)
dhal (L)
quiche cebola
arroz de feijão ou de tomate
pasta atum natas (L)
salada de cogumelos (L)
pasta camaroes coentros (L)
massa folhada com carne picada com queijo (L)
greek salad
magret de pato
arroz de frango com açafrão
sapateira recheada

wrap de frango assado com limão e rucola e queijo manchego
frango à paneleiro (L)
tosta de presunto e queijo fresco com rucola (L)
estufado de alho frances com corgete
pasta pimenta cogumelos (L)
fried rice (L)
massa salmão, natas
sopa ervilhas
creme de alho frances/corgete

07 January 2010

55 people I met in June

One day I will have to finish this list, it is very incomplete and with no descriptions.

Steven and girlfriend from Denver
Theresa from Denver
Hanxue Beijing
Young Beijing
Ukrainian guy
German guy looking for a job in China
random chinese guy that took me to the dating fair
(NV) guitar shop guy
Seen Malasya
(10) Chris
Miami guy
Swiss in japan
Chinese teacher
Jui (Rui)

Australian girl
(20) Mexican couple
Tchek guy
Miami guy
CS host
CS software
CS smile
CS questions
British comercial diver in Dubai!

(30) Bart
Johnny Depp
Japanese meditator
Taiwanese Photographer


Seatle, San Fran, LA
Portland guy
Indian father

(41) Brenda
Brenda's cousin

San Felipe
Restaurant owner seashore

Ciudad Obregon
Hotel owner

(51) hotel owner (and family)
Small shop owner


La blanca de los tacos